Last week, we gathered around the good folks from The Natural Playground Company and CMA parent and volunteer Eric Hynes to thank them for all of their good work. on our new playground. The thank you and send off for the men all the way from New Hampshire was fun and exciting for all of us. Following the thank-yous and the send off, the gentlemen told us that in all the schools they have been to they have never been thanked! They were touched by the children's heartfelt messages. One of those big burly guys actually had a tear welling up in one of his eyes.
The playground is now ready for hydro-seeding and due to the rainy weather will that seeding will not be able to be done until Monday. Following the seeding, we will have to wait 6-8 weeks and wait for the the new grass to be strong enough to handle the traffic of our student body.
Thanks to all of those who have made this project possible. This started off as a dream several years ago and it is so exciting to see it becoming a reality.